> Am I too big for 15?

Am I too big for 15?

Posted at: 2015-04-20 
so you grew early, have you check with your doctor to make sure no growth issues. Most likely you will stay this size from now on (well until you get older and fat).

Visit the doctor and have him check joints (often early growth can cause joint issues.)' other than that enjoy being the star of the basketball team.

Yes, you are to big in 15.

idk I was 6 foot at 13 but I was skinny. Bigger is better man but you'd make a hell of a linebacker lol. As long as your doctor thinks it's fine

Well, you are very tall so that is an average weight for the height. The height is very unusual for anyone your age.

your so lucky ! be the next calvin Johnson for me please !

I'm 6'5", 15 years old and I weigh 210lbs. I workout all the time, I don't look 210 and I'm a football player but am I too big for my body at 15 years old? just looking for some feedback