> Am I being cheap with this party?

Am I being cheap with this party?

Posted at: 2015-04-20 
Let it go. She sounds like a very manipulative person and you aren't going to win. If it were me I wouldn't even go to the 'party'. It isn't a party when people have to buy their own food.

You might consider

1. This is about communication, what you think is being said and what the communication actually means.

2. The role of the person hosting the party, is to make sure that the party theme goes to plan, is successful, all guests enjoy the event, and the outcome is met.

3. When ideals diverge, and cannot be met in the middle, then the likelihood of success is lessened.

4. You have a choice of not attending the party, or going along under duress, or unfortunately now having a clashing but better invite for the night, which precludes you from attending.

5. Sometimes we cannot please everyone however hard we try. Go with what is best for you.

Not at all, if you have a budget then you stick to your budget. My husband and I held our eldest two children's first birthday parties for about £40 each which friends and family found to be extremely cheap, especially as my SIL did a first birthday party for over £400.

I think it is extremely cheap to invite people to a party and then turn around and say to them they have to pay for their food.

$70 is about £40, right?... That's not being a cheapskate, if it was your own money! Being a cheapskate is getting everyone to pay for their own! Don't go. Teach her a lesson.

She sounds like a *****. I would skip the party altogether. Rent a Redbox instead.

I wanted to host a party for a friend. I only had $70 to spend on said party. Only 5-6 people are supposed to show up. But my friend (the one I was throwing the party for), kept implying that I was a cheapskate. She's called me "cheap" like five times. I'm beginning to take it as a personal insult! And if I'm cheap, she is even cheaper! Now, she has told me that I cannot host the party and she will do the party for herself instead. Her plan makes everyone pay for their own food. She's taking everyone to an expensive restaurant. My plan involved no one paying anything except me. Was I being cheap? Or was she being stupid? She is hosting her own party now, and I offered to buy everyone dinner; as the party was originally my responsibility. She turned me down. Every idea I've had for this silly party (I only ran by her to be nice!), she's turned down. I'm getting really angry at this friend. I'm considering taking cupcakes to the party (not for HER, but for all the other GUESTS). I feel bad for the guests too, they get landed with a $30 bill (per person) just for showing up to her party.I hope all of them know that's pay your own bill.