I think your idea of splitting into groups of 5 is a great idea. I gave each team some dollar bills and quarters, for the silly purchases and the photo booth. The rest of the items on the hunt were photos on cell phones, so I was the judge of whether they "qualified" or not! :) You might see if you can get a fun adult involved so you don't have to be referee as well as guest of honor. Good luck and Happy Birthday!!
I did this for my 17th too lol, my mom made up a list of riddles and the answer to each one would be the name of a store. we then had to go to the store and get something free with the store logo, like ask if they had a flyer with sales or if we could have an empty bag (or take a picture in front of the store as a group if they didn't) first team done, everyone got a small prize. our mall didn't mind that we did it. but the rule was no running or screaming. obviously just because its a game doesn't mean you get to disturb the other customers around, so keep that in mind :) it worked our awesome for me and I think everyone enjoyed it. we had teams of 5 people
I'm almost 17, and I'm thinking of having a mall scavenger hunt for my birthday. Basically what happens is the guests are divided into teams then given a list of things to do, eg throw a penny in the fountain, take a photo with an old man, get a packet of tomato sauce from the food court, buy a gift with $1 on it etc.
I think this would be really fun, but when I made a list of people I would like to invite I had 25 names. Now all of them probably wouldn't be able to come so there'll be about 20 or 22 people. Is this too many teenage girls to have walking around a mall doing silly things? I was thinking of putting my friends in groups of 4 or 5.
Is this a good or bad idea for a 17th birthday party? I've never done anything like this before and idk it might be a big flop and we get into trouble with the managers or shops and stuff.
Please help