> A complete lack of surprise !?

A complete lack of surprise !?

Posted at: 2015-04-20 
If it were true that eating meat and bread caused terrible indigestion, how do you explain that millions of sandwiches are eaten every day?

While I know some Indian and Jewish customs are very strict about this, there really are almost no foods that can't be eaten together for health reasons.

All that stuff about not mixing food A and food B is all complete nonesense. These foods are mixed all the time. An individual that experiences a problem mixing anything in this way probably has another underlying condition that's causing the problem.

Some says that combinig the meat with bread or cereals will resulte a astonishing indigestion, but others say to combine them, doesn t matter if you eat fruits and meat on same meal and the result will be benefic to you, all i know about this is called The Digestion .