> 21st Birhday Menu Idea!!!?

21st Birhday Menu Idea!!!?

Posted at: 2015-04-20 
Buffet style foods such as quartered sandwiches on a plate. Following fillings such as

Egg Mayo, Prawn Mayo, Tuna and sweetcorn Mayo, Ham and tomato, Salmon and cucumber, Sliced cold beef and mustard., Garnish with mixed salad leaves so it does not look too plain.

Small slices of quiche, or mini quiches. Cocktail sausages on sticks. Pineapple cubes with cheese on sticks, you could add mini gherkins or small pickled onions to any of these. Or precook a gammon joint and cube. Cherry tomatoes and grapes are also good buffet food as you can pop them into your mouth whole. Vol au vents are another one, but they can be a bit time consuming unless you buy them semi prepared.

Enjoy your party and congratulations!


The Dark Knight Rises CocktailThe Dark Knight Rises Cocktail


these drink is superbb


I am having my 21st birthday party in february and i cant decide on the type of foods i should have. i am inviting about 25 guest and the food will be self prepared by myself and my mom.

The type of food i had in mind was either finger foods or either bbq buffet style.. however it is going to be cold im sure... so please keep that in mind. oh my as far as a theme... basically cocktail-ish/ glam