> 20th birthday party ideas?

20th birthday party ideas?

Posted at: 2015-04-20 
Why not have a sweet retro potluck? Tell your friends to bring their favorite appetizer or dessert, set up a cool buffet "tablescape", play some fun music....everybody mingle. A few entertaining games are always a good time too. Fun times will be had by all! :-)

I've been answering this question with the same response for a lot of folks today ~ make it memorable and have everyone create their own hand painted t-shirts ! It's best to do outdoors ( have the sun do the drying part ) and they'll each have something to remember this special day for quite sometime ! just Google all the supplies you'll need and have a blast !

My daughter's best friend went to visit her the other day and brought her t-shirt that she created when they were 5 years old. They both are 28 today ~

How about a night pool party. You can make it simple with cocktails and food plus good entertainment like a band or just plane party music with dancing with your swim wear. You can also have fun games, nothing too childish but just plane fun. I also attended one of my friend's 20ish party with an adult pajama party where people instead of being in their pajamas sport fun and gorgeous night wear and boxers for the guys. You can have drinks just by your home and do games too. Good luck!

im thinking about throwing a birthday party since my birthday is coming up but i literally have no ideas on what i should do. i want to invite all my close friends which would be around 13ish people (considering not everyone invited will come). i'd be turning 20 so i want to steer away from something too childish. also i want people to be engaged and have fun (mind that not everyone i would invite would know each other) so i want to minimize potentially awkward situations. any ideas?? simply going to a nice restaurant and just eating seems too boring and a waste of my money