> 17th Birthday!! Ideas?

17th Birthday!! Ideas?

Posted at: 2015-04-20 
camping a night before- n at twelve,u cut a cake by d campfire. that one's a total hit. ;)

Bonfire? Sorry I'm country! Lol dance parties are always fun! Rent a local community center gym and put out a UV light and use glowsticks and a DJ and just hang out!

Roller Disco


Hire a local cinema for private showing and provide snacks

Maybe just a simple sleep over party? Drinking and what not.


Click the link and get more ideas.

Alright so my birthday is in February 12, & I have no idea what to do. It is too cold for a pool party, & we are about 18 people, so going to a restaurant is not really convenient. I just don't want it to be boring btw we are like 11 girls out of the 18, :)