> 16th birthday party!?

16th birthday party!?

Posted at: 2015-04-20 
Go bowling. Thats always fun. You can go mini golfing, go cart riding. You could always throw a bbq and have games like volleyball, horse shoe, kickball. Something that is fun of course and can keep you out of trouble lol

Well for my 16th birthday party I threw a party in my back yard. I invited about 30-50 people, decorated the place nicely and had good music pumping all night. We played funny drinking games but held it to a limit. We all had a blast and I will never forget it.

Going paintballing might be not such a good idea because not everyone might enjoy it while doing a freedom party no one is entitled to do anything but enjoy themselves. London sounds good but save that money rather for something you can keep forever.

Happy Birthday. :)

I need help. My birthday is june 3rd and i have no idea what to do! Iv got 2 idea's but i want to do something that i won't ever forget. The idea's iv got is going london and my cousins said they would take me everywhere in london(got to save a lot) && going paintballing...any other ideas?