> 15th Birthday Party Ideas? (Girl) 10pts?

15th Birthday Party Ideas? (Girl) 10pts?

Posted at: 2015-04-20 
Happy Birthday for next week!

Some good ideas might be

Dinner out with friends.

Movie night, with lots of munchies.

You could do an amazing race party.

Formal bowling.Go to a bowling alley all dressed up!

You could have a cupcake day, make cupcakes all day!!

Ice skating is always fun c:

Hope my ideas help you out c:

My birthday is next week and I want to invite a few close friends for a party, but I have no idea what to do. Some ideas I had were laser tag, ice skating, or indoor rock climbing. I need more suggestions along those lines. There is probably going to be about 7-10 people total. Also cake decorating ideas would be helpful! Share stories of fun birthday parties you've been to and why they were fun, or birthday party ideas to avoid. 10pts to best answer. Thanks!