> 15th Birthday Party Ideas?

15th Birthday Party Ideas?

Posted at: 2015-04-20 
Do you have a backyard, if you do then you could have a BBQ and have a Hawaiian luau party. That's fun. But if you don't have a big backyard, you could go to a nice restaurant. My daughter went to one a little while ago that was this nice Chinese restaurant where they cook the food in front of you. She had a blast. Or go to the movies. First of all find out how many people you think you are going to be having at this party and go from there. If it's a smaller party invite them to your house and rent movies, have a dance contest, make your own ice cream sundaes, play with the Ouija board. You could even have a pool party. A lot of hotels will let you rent the pool out for a couple of hours.

For a 15 year old party you should go somewhere to eat before or after you go somewherw fun. You should go to sky zone a indoor trampoline place. To find out where its at, ( which there is alot of them) and find out how much money this is go on there website, www.skyzone.com

Hope this helps!!! :)

Hi There Here Are My Ideas

> Have a party at the movies

> invite your girlfriends over and have a sleepover where you watch movies play truth or dare do quizzes

> go ice skating with friends or family

> if you like bowling have a bowling party its lots of fun

Hope You Like My Ideas

So here is my problem, I don't want to do anything really childish like laser tag or a mall party but my house is much too small to do anything at my house. Any ideas would be so helpful! Thank you so much!