> 13th Birthday Places/Activities?

13th Birthday Places/Activities?

Posted at: 2015-04-20 
Pool parties are cool. have lotsa good food to eat, hams, hot dogs, cake, chips. Get gift bags ready for your guests to take home. Save them for the end when they leave. Put about five things in them, like little bottles of lotion (if your parents ever go to hotels, they can get some little bottles of shampoo and stuff). Maybe a candy bar or a bracelet or barette.

Find out how much it is to have a psychic come to your party, or have a bunch of those little cameras for people to take pictures of the whole time and then they have to leave them and you can get them developed and share the pics. Have a theme, like everyone has to wear something green or some other color. Or hats. Hats are cool. Make sure you play some fun games, like a water balloon toss with a prize at the end for the winning team. You are smart for doing all this early. let people help you with stuff when they come, like serving food on a plate to your other guests. Food and good drinks are important. I like iced tea and lemon aide. Have people put on funny clothes and take pictures of them. ENJOY!

Scavenger hunt, ice skating, fire on the beach (if its legal)

I am turning 13 this year and planning on having my birthday party in June so it'll be warm. And I'm looking for more than the classic "pool party". I am looking for boy/girl friendly ideas Like paintballing lasertag go karting etc! Lots of ideas please!